DocHoskins’ Blog
Thoughts and Gleanings
from the Chiropractic Profession

Dunning Kruger Effect – CheckIn 2018 0427
Dunning-Kruger Effect "In the field of psychology, the Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias wherein people of low ability have illusory superiority, mistakenly assessing their cognitive ability as greater than it is." That's why we only...
Should you ignore professional advice – CheckIn 2018 – 0425
Do you ignore your accountant's advice and plan for your tax year? Do you ignore your mechanic's advice for your transmission? Do you ignore your _____ {fill in the blank} ___. A lot of people seem to think that the advice they receive from a...
Destruction or Construction – which do you prefer? CheckIn 2018 – 0423
Destructive Forces and Constructive Forces In our environment, daily, regularly, the Forces of the Universe are working to deconstruct all the organization we see. By nature and design, they are Destructive. In our body, every microsecond of...
CheckIn 2018 0420 – Collusion and Obstruction
Collusion and Obstruction The title says it all. It is very obvious that Collusion is taking place. Can't you see it? It's there in your face every day. Everyone is talking about it. IT'S JUST PLAIN OBVIOUS!!! Isn't it also VERY PLAINLY CLEAR...
CheckIn – 2018 0418 – Adaptation vs Stuck
Adaptation vs Stuck Adapting to your surroundings, environment, and situation is a key part of the definition of 'living thing.' So, if you are prevented from adapting, you can literally say you are prevented from living. As I put it regularly,...
CheckIn – 2018 0416
Connection vs Communication Loss of connection can be devastating. It can be confusing and irritating. It can be sudden and pervasive or subtle and long-term. It can affect things specifically or universally. Loss of connection is bad....
2018 Jan 15 – I have a dream, too.
Very loose correlation here, so bear with me. Dr. King, Jr had a dream he talked about where society and culture were brought back to normal or back to its design, where every person was treated and esteemed equal in all aspects. I have a dream...
Subluxation Research – April 2017
New Research & Scholarly Articles from McCoy Publications Improvement in Sensorimotor Function, Postural Stability, Joint Position Sense and Reaction Time in an Asymptomatic 74-year-old Male Receiving Chiropractic Care Matthew Wild, BChiro & Phil McMaster, DC,...
Subluxation Research – February 2017
New Research & Scholarly Articles from McCoy Publications Reduction and Maintenance of Scoliotic and Sub-Scoliotic Curvatures: A Follow-Up Study on Children with Idiopathic Scoliosis Undergoing Subluxation Correction with Pierce Results System Jessica Harden DC,...
FYI FRIDAY – News and Research (2016 1230)
Current research and publications on Subluxation and Chiropractic care.
All I Want….
I do not want to be your medical doctor, your interior decorator, your nutritionist, your lifting coach, your bus driver, or your spiritual guide. I just want to be your family’s chiropractor.