Simple ain’t Easy, and Easy ain’t Simple
Simple ain't Easy, and Easy ain't Simple Chiropractic is that way. Simply put - Chiropractic assists you in overcoming and removing #VertebralSubluxation. But it ain't that easy, it takes time, it takes expertise, it takes focus, it takes...
Learning Juggling …. again
Learning Juggling .... again. I learned how to juggle one thing a long time ago. It was easy. It was fun. But it got old quickly. I learned then, how to juggle two things at a time. It was harder, it got fun, and it did not get old. Now, I am...
The Pine Tree on Fire – Resilience in Nature
The Pine Tree on Fire - Resilience in Nature A certain pine tree species has as a design feature a seed pod that is resistant to the high heat of a forest fire AND requires that same fire for the resins to melt and eventually releases the seeds....
Resilience – The Ability To Adapt
Resilience - the Ability to Adapt #VertebralSubluxation - by definition - interferes with the mechanisms of adaptation (c 1927). Chiropractic allows your body to overcome #VertebralSubluxation so that those resources can be stored for other...
Feeling the Need for Upgrades
Feeling the need for upgrades... The computer that I use for some of these CheckIn videos is old, and in need of replacement. My phone is old, and just doesn't cut it anymore. My knee and shoulder are just not the same as they used to be. My...
People are Awesome – CheckIn 2018 0711
People are Awesome So is the Upstate. You can't be as awesome as you were meant to be if you carry #VertebralSubluxation around with you. Dump them off here.
Billionaire IPO Tom Bilyeu is WRONG – CheckIn 2018 0704
Well, not completely wrong, just not complete in his view of how the body works and how Chiropractic has a role in keeping the adaptation process at 100% of possible. I had the pleasure of hearing Tom Bilyeu speak at the conference I was at last...
Chiropractic Care is NOT just for your Future – CheckIn 2018 0723
Chiropractic Care is NOT just for your Future #VertebralSubluxation interferes with your body function NOW .... TODAY .... It doesn't need time to build up and cause issues. It does it NOW. Chiropractic is the ONLY profession trained to detect,...
LIFE is about TIME – CheckIN 2018 0521
IT'S ABOUT TIME!!!! It's about time .... to take care of the only body you got. It's about time .... to take care of your family. It's about time .... to reclaim the time lost because of #VertebralSubluxation. It's about time .... to reclaim the...
Emptying the Basket – CheckIn 2018 0518
When the basket is full it only means one thing (ok, maybe 2). Every paper here represents one person getting checked and adjusted for #VertebralSubluxation if found. Time to make room for more people !!! Tell your friends! Bring your...