Your entire family matters.
Not their age.
Not their condition.
Just them.
Welcome to Hoskins Family Chiropractic
the home of
The Gentle Giant of Chiropractic
Dwayne A. Hoskins, DC.
Take some time to look over our site to get a great feel for who we are, what we do, and more importantly, what we do NOT do.
The Hoskins Chiropractic Creed:
The body was created with the ability to heal itself.
The Nervous System controls ALL operations throughout the body.
The Nervous System sends out messages, and receives information carried along nerve paths.
When the messages are interfered with, nothing good can happen. These interferences happen daily, constantly, and the ones not taken care of by the body do accumulate over time.
Chiropractic is the ONLY way to detect and help the body remove these interferences on an on-going life-time basis. The focus being on HELPING the body, not FORCING the body to respond.
Are you new to Hoskins Family Chiropractic?
- Fill out this form before you come in, and save some time.
- Appointment times are 15 minutes each, and can be made here. Appointments are necessary as we build the practice. At some point in the future, appointments will become walk-in based.
What does this cost?
We have a Philosophy of Chiropractic that tells us that Chiropractic care is life-time and ongoing in nature. See our FEES page for further details.
During your first month, you will need to attend our monthly “TIC Talk Orientation” where we get together as a family, eat good food, and I get some time to explain ChiropracTIC and what we do a bit more.
Our Membership Program is for those that want to make Chiropractic a part of their lifestyle habit rather than a pain management system, and are committed to that choice.
Other Quick Answers:
Nope. Don’t deal with it. Won’t need it. They don’t cover us. And even if they did, your co-pay is probably more than what we charge anyway.
Nope. They are worse than ‘regular’ medical insurance in covering Chiropractic. If you choose to still become a client, you have to fill in the Medicare FORM ABN. They will NOT reimburse for what we do, and we would rather NOT file the forms.
[**What we provide is NOT COVERED BY MEDICARE. Here is their statement and reference: “Maintenance Therapy.—Chiropractic maintenance therapy is not medically reasonable or necessary and is not payable under the Medicare program. Maintenance therapy include services that seek to prevent disease, promote health and prolong and enhance the quality of life, or maintain or prevent deterioration of a chronic condition.” ~Medicare guidelines section 2251.3 pg 3].
Membership Has Its Privileges:
“We’ll let anyone in the door, to come to our TIC Talks, to have their spine checked, to get an adjustment, but for those who want more, for those who want to grow, we have membership…. We don’t offer it to everybody, because there is jargon and we know not everybody is ready for such a commitment…Membership is for those who are making a commitment to their health, to the full expression of their life and vitality….for life.”

The Gentle Giant of ChiropracTIC
Dr. Hoskins
Chiropractic Pediatrics
Chiropractic Geriatrics
Low Force Techniques
Trained Counselor
3rd Degree Black Belt
Elite Athlete Chiropractic
Performance Optimization
High-Velocity Techniques
Table Assisted Techniques
The Master of Living
The master in the art of living
draws no sharp distinction
between his labor and his leisure,
his mind and his body,
his work and his play,
his education and his recreation.
He simply pursues his vision of excellence
through whatever he is doing
and leaves others to determine
whether his is working or playing.
To himself, he is always doing both.
– James A. Michener